kyle6513kyle6513User name
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2009 December 3
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2009 Dec 5 at 19:19 UTC
Automap problems D: in if( while ) switch{ coding } ++
legend superjer :D
edit: compiles now, editing time :D edit...again: don't you hate it when Microsoft forces you to update a file and then it takes massive chunks out of it? looks like I'm going to have to find the version of visual basic that this frontend was made with >.<
2009 Dec 4 at 17:02 UTC
Automap problems D: in if( while ) switch{ coding } ++
let me put it this way, I'm just starting out so I think its safe to say %$#& all :)
2009 Dec 3 at 08:54 UTC
Automap problems D: in if( while ) switch{ coding } ++
Hello there!
I was attempting to compile your automap source file superjer and I'm getting a fair few errors ![]() I'm not too sure if I have my c++ editor installed properly ect, if you could help me into getting it to compile properly I would be forever grateful ![]() I'm attempting to remake it for a mod, just means adding some new monsters, weapons and possibly textures. think of it as a, learning exercise for my c++ well, learning. if anyone else could help me that would be great although this code isn't too well commented so yeah ![]() Errors: code 1776 gen_1_0.cpp `main' must return `int'
gen_1_0.cpp In function `int main(...)':
2013 gen_1_0.cpp return-statement with no value, in function returning 'int'
2013 gen_1_0.cpp In copy constructor `std::basic_ios |