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2010 August 9
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2011 Aug 10 at 01:01 UTC
Random crash in Hammer Mapping
Maybe a retarded question but what could be the cause to random servercrashes, only when the server run a map that i have made.
No errors when the map was compiled and no leaks
2010 Aug 12 at 21:57 UTC
Help with two things in Hammer Mapping
SRAW said: Injen said: Well i want the timer to start as soon someone choose a team.
When everyone is dead, the wall starts all over again from the first point. trigger_auto automatically triggers even if nobody is on the server, so you should put a trigger_multiple in this box that everyone spawns in, so when someone join they trigger it, then they fall into a teleporter that teleports them to the real spawn point. It works, but not great :) "Delay before reset" it's the problem now. If i set it to low and someone step on the trigger again the wall get stuck, and if i set it to high then it get some problem after respawn. Alternative as you said, just place the trigger_multiple outside the map and make som teleports, but then i need a trigger_once. But there hav eto be a easier way to solve this?
2010 Aug 11 at 21:40 UTC
Help with two things in Hammer Mapping
Still dont work. Dont know what i'm doing wrong.
2010 Aug 11 at 21:06 UTC
Help with two things in Hammer Mapping
Again. Where do you guys find those thing? I dont even have entitys on the letter "R"
2010 Aug 11 at 19:03 UTC
Warning: === LEAK in hull 0 === in Hammer Mapping
I manage to solve the problem, but is there someone that can teach me how the understand all the numbers like ( 0,-256,-640)
2010 Aug 11 at 18:51 UTC
Warning: === LEAK in hull 0 === in Hammer Mapping
![]() Yesterday the map was just fine, no problem with compaling or so. Today when i adjusted some light_spot angles i get this problem code SolidBSP [hull 0] 456 (0.01 seconds)Warning: === LEAK in hull 0 === Entity path_corner @ ( 0,-256,-640) Error: Leak pointfile generated SolidBSP [hull 1] 500...534 (0.01 seconds) SolidBSP [hull 2] 471 (0.01 seconds) SolidBSP [hull 3] 500...530 (0.01 seconds) 0.13 seconds elapsed ----- END hlbsp ----- I've try everything. Look for leaks and i cant find any, i've even deleted the ligt_spot with no luck.
2010 Aug 11 at 18:43 UTC
Help with two things in Hammer Mapping
Hmm i cant any trigger_multiple.
Any guide or can you tell me how to do it?
2010 Aug 10 at 13:23 UTC
Help with two things in Hammer Mapping
Well i want the timer to start as soon someone choose a team.
When everyone is dead, the wall starts all over again from the first point.
2010 Aug 10 at 12:48 UTC
Help with two things in Hammer Mapping
That was easy
![]() I still have one question that i cant solve. Thanks to this guide i manage to make a moving wall. I placed a "trigger_auto" to start the wall wit h 10 sec delay. It works great, but the wall starts to move even if there is no player connected. How can i fix that?
2010 Aug 9 at 20:04 UTC
Help with two things in Hammer Mapping
Hi guys. I'm kinda new with Hammer and got stuck on two things.
First i want a glass wall to be unbreakable and you want br able to shoot through it. Second, i have a wall that i want to be lower down to the ground. It's hard to explain with English ![]() Imagine a wall that sink through the ground like a elevator. EDIT: The elevator thing is complete. |