
2008 Jul 5 • 583
295 ₧
I did well again! Sadly did the rest of my team not  .
Seriously, I went and got their flag, went back to my base, repeat. I managed to do it 3 times in a row, the fourth attemt I died. Then I lost because my team couldn't defend our flag. I did not see anyone from my team by their flag.
I was speaking of TFC, yes, but I had not read that your anger for TF2 was because of it removing major things from TFC. I thought you hated on TF2 because it had taken the concept of TFC and then changed it but you liked the old one better because it was made before. I had actually not checked up on TFC until now.
"HALO", yeah sure. It looks like Halo and the official trailer doesn't actually show off the gameplay. It's nothing like playing Halo, unless all 30 players on the server are too bad to ski.
Today's post brought to you by the letter: "heck".
2012 Mar 24 at 22:29 UTC