Do my homework for me. Nao.

Do my homework for me. Nao.

Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

Find the Hole II Participation Medal
2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
Well, if it didn't recognise *any* whitespace, there'd be no difference between int x; and intx; and that's insane, so yeah. I get what you're saying though, you're thinking of that bit where it cares not for carriage returns (smart move in some ways).

C++ comes with a marginal overhead. Technically anything I've written in C is also valid C++, I'd imagine, because I've not used anything very funky, it's more that I don't really know the syntax for classes in C++ and I am not so hot on class constructors and destructors. In fact, it is a little project of mine to become more familiar with this over the summer, by rewriting that Perlin noise program I have. I will then make a little Python script to run it because Python is lovely :)
2012 Mar 1 at 23:03 UTC
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