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Posts written by vendim:

when i run the game, after replacing my wave sounds, i cannot hear that sound ( ex, i changed sound when you get hostages (E) but i can't hear nothing. I try to move css original sounds and it works. (no they are not from microsoft wave format because i have windows 7 and it has no option to convert to wav, do i need to record wave sounds from microsoft sound recorder from xp).
SRAW said:
you cant do it map specific unless you use a mod like a amx plugin

but just go to the sounds folder and replace them, but the sounds recorded must have a special frequency/settings that the hl engine can play but im too lazy to check now

i try to replace the wav sounds, i recored my sounds with the same frequences but nothing happend,ok anyway thanks for reply me
Mate de Vita said:
vendim said:
Hello i want to replace wav sounds in the game with my own voices, how can i do that ?

Which wav sounds do you mean? The radio chatter? The gunfire sounds?

Thank you for reply, i like to change hostage sounds, player sounds, when he died or when he shoots his friend etc.
Hello i want to replace wav sounds in the game with my own voices, how can i do that ?
thank you for reply, i fixed my problem. (i used more than 8 textures)
Hello, i just created my map and after compiling successfully the map, i try to run and the map can not start "starting local game server" i don't know where is the problem, i reinstalled the game the hammer and compiler but nothing happens.
thank you EMO_with_AWP it works.
Hello, i have made a map, and i can't look objects in distance (exept when im near objects).