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Posts written by black-society:

@echo off
hlcsg -nowadtextures mapname
hlbsp mapname
hlvis mapname
hlrad mapname
copy mapname.bsp "C:\Steam\SteamApps\EMAIL\counter-strike\cstrike\maps"
"C:\Steam\Steam.exe" -applaunch 10 -dev +sv_cheats 1 +map mapname

i followed this format, and i checked for a hundred times for now
When you're sure you have it right, save the file and close Notepad. Then double click on the file 'mapname.bat' to run it. Lot's of confusing stuff will show up in a command window as ZHLT compiles your map. When it is done you will see (at the bottom):

Press any key to continue . . .
at this part, my computor just auto close the command window, what happened? it all heppen so fast, in a split second