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Posts written by Sicksicsix:

Ttook everyone's advice and sure enough some errors where corrected, however I am at a stand still again.

Now the I get the message that 1 fire was copied and transfered to the MAPS forlder will now AUTO boot my CS and attempt to connect the map I just made.

That sound all great and dandy untill the loading process begins.

For some reason now that all errors and compiling is set and corrected, my map will not load. It just sits there at
"Starting ocal game server..."

Is there something else wrong?
Ok....I did the tutorioal...


So when I made the batch files a made a few errors but they are fixed and the bad goes through with no errors.

But when it goes to launch the game with the map, it just sits at the main menu.

Is there something else im supposed to do or how do I even save my map as a ".bsp"

Any help would be great!
