SearchSearchPosts written by ShadowRayz00:Truck
Hmm i got a prob...
i wanna reinstall Cs [Crackxed] but i dont wanna lose a 50+ servers list... what file keeps the servers so i can back it up and replace it wen i finish reinstall ?..... Truck
Well i geuss max Value = 324 then
try lower it Truck
Load |-|@mm3r
File->New Entry-Tool [shift+E] At its menu select Armory_entity Place 1 on map Take the select tool [Shift+S] right click on the little pink dot and select Propertys Change to item and you will see all weapons list... select any one and close window and u done ;) Ctrl+C - Ctrl+V to duplicate if btw Hammer Ftw Truck
i hed this error too today...
try make the map totaly closed like a ractangle at lest thats what fixed mine Truck
thx for 3D jer...
*EDIT Forget it..i reconfigged hamm3r and i got it workin now. ;) Truck
Well i was readin the guild how to start you're own Cs maps and i got stuck somewhere.
wen he say that you're shape should look Fully 3D with the walls and that mine dont have the walls but it do look 3D .. like that this ok?... |