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Posts written by Ransack:

Guys i really need your help out here so plzz help me out with this difficult question.
porky FTW :P
<b>Hi all,
I really need your help!</b>

I followed Superjer's tutorial all the way to step 7.
I made a map, a simple zube with the light and both spawns in it.
The spawn and the light didn't touch any ceiling, floor or walls.
I saved my css map in a newmap on desktop.
I exported my cssmap to the zhltmap next to the cssmap.bat file
I had some troubles with the compiling but that worked out okay.
But now!
when i try to start the .bat file with steam, steam doesn't start css it just shows me a page of how much css costs i already bought it though. So i started css up the regular way and tried to start my map with create own server.
Instead of going to the loading screen it just fades away back to the mainscreen.
the command log shows this massage:
CModelLoader::Map_IsValid: 'fuck' is not a valid BSP file
map load failed: fuck not found or invalid

<i>(fuck is my map name :D)</i>

<b>What to do now?</b>
why is it a non valid bsp file? it doesn't leak at all, i think cause all walls are connected and there is a ceiling.