SearchSearchPosts written by AlphaKennyOne:User
The old one you're thinking of mello, is one that I made long, long ago. I'm sure there's a link around here somewhere...
Well, as long as it captured the spirit. I even forgot about the club I added. That was pretty much my thing. A secret club in every one of my maps! Same applies for the Halloween map I made.
In case anyone wants to see that Halloween Source map, in a simple case of map pimping, here it is: A source-ified McDiddy's would be awesome. Whoever does it, I sure hope there's a radio, with proper 'Bodies' music! Truck
I'd hate to bump a rather old truck, but I can't believe my map (de_mcdiddys) is still being talked about. After re-downloading it, and taking another look around, I can only say...
What the heck was I thinking? To me, it just looks so...horrid. I made the textures before I got experience with photoshop, so all I used was paint. That was also back when I had no clue how to work custom sounds, otherwise I would have put a radio on the roof that played "Bodies" by Drowning Pool. Funny. Back when I made it, I thought that map was the shit. Now, take away the "the" and that's exactly what I think it is! I'd like to see a semi-realistic-looking version for source, with HDR. Damn, that would be sweet. If I weren't busy making an xmas map for a mappack, I might have had a go at it. But since I got done making a halloween map only a few days before starting my xmas map, i'm sure i'll be all mapped-out for a bit after this. Truck
You should consider submitting both parts to newgrounds. I'm sure they will do well over there.
I thought that McD2 was awesome. I liked how you used my suggestion of the little "hide-and-seek 'doo-ing'" The starbucks thing was hilarious, as was the escalator bit. Way to go.