Have a map compile error?

Don't feel bad. Everybody gets these and all the time. In the command window press CTRL-C to abort the process. Type Y if it asks for (Y/N).

Now fix the problem -- here's what you should do:
  • Make sure you typed everything correctly in your .bat file.
  • Make sure your .map file is in the folder with your .bat file.
  • Make sure hlcsg.exe, hlbsp.exe, hlvis.exe, and hlrad.exe are in the folder, too.
If it still doesn't work, open the file 'mapname.err' in Notepad. It will have a brief description of what went wrong. If it says LEAK then you should know what to do from Step 5. Other errors may be obvious enough for you to figure out, like a missing file.

If you totally can't fix the problem, you can try the Forum for help.