[2016-05-07 04:29:22 UTC] guys for me class we're Currently Using RACKET [2016-05-07 04:29:48 UTC] and for example, here's a simple function definition: (define (max-of-list xs) (cond [(null? xs) (error "max-of-list given empty list")] [(null? (cdr xs)) (car xs)] [#t (let ([tlans (max-of-list (cdr xs))]) (if (> tlans (car xs)) tlans (car xs)))])) [2016-05-07 04:29:50 UTC] dafuq [2016-05-07 04:29:59 UTC] basically... it uses tons of parenthesis [2016-05-07 04:30:02 UTC] really ghey [2016-05-07 21:10:12 UTC] Looks like Lisp. Wait till your parentheses keys break off your kebbard. That's what happened to me.