[2014-10-31 14:57:09 UTC] <> Let's test this shit. [2014-10-31 14:57:29 UTC] /SYSTEM DotA 2 MMR is now officialy broken. [2014-10-31 14:57:32 UTC] OH [2014-10-31 17:08:42 UTC] what's wrong? [2014-10-31 17:09:32 UTC] I was in 5k btw, but that was like 4 months ago, I've stopped playing cause once you reach 5k, every game I basically need to carry my stupid teammates, and since my primary role is support, the game quickly becomes not fun anymore [2014-10-31 17:09:50 UTC] Probably you're in 2k and comp;aining though [2014-10-31 19:20:44 UTC] I was in 2k, but DotA 2 is gay in general. [2014-10-31 19:21:26 UTC] I mean at least I should be playing with positive scores and not feeders, since I ain't feeding. [2014-10-31 19:21:38 UTC] Then again I quit doto 2 like 5 months ago and I'm happy. [2014-10-31 19:21:43 UTC] WC 3 FTW [2014-10-31 23:03:18 UTC] not to be narcassistic or anything... but im 100 percent sure if i played as crystal maiden and went solo mid in your 2k gayness, i would still carry every single game [2014-10-31 23:03:23 UTC] maybe mad cuz bad?