[2014-01-04 01:00:48 UTC] FINALLY matchmaking gives me a proper game, where we managed to win after our opponents epic threw the game by giving us free roshan, and their qop who had the best early game went .... lothars and desolator, instead of.. idk BKB ? anyways, me being such a good player, just bought sentires and we eventually won cause like i said, their qop was reallllly bad, but otherwise it was quite even, but then again, bad qop = shittym atchamking [2014-01-04 01:00:50 UTC] so yeah [2014-01-04 01:00:52 UTC] matchmaking = broken [2014-01-04 14:29:58 UTC] Nobody get you. [2014-01-04 14:30:06 UTC] Uhhhh... AaronJer! [2014-01-04 14:30:09 UTC] Nnnggghh. [2014-01-04 20:13:24 UTC] Niels Bohr get me. [2014-01-04 20:13:30 UTC] grrrrnnh [2014-01-04 23:48:45 UTC] JESUS CHRIST EVEN MORE EXAMPLES OF BROKEN MATCHMAKING [2014-01-04 23:48:49 UTC] i lost 2 games in a row [2014-01-04 23:48:59 UTC] and then what does valve do? TRY TO MAKE ME LOSE 3 TO FORCE 50% win rate [2014-01-04 23:49:14 UTC] our luna on our team was completely new, and she picked up her 4th skill.... WITHOUT LEVELING UP HER FIRST [2014-01-04 23:49:15 UTC] WTF? [2014-01-04 23:49:31 UTC] thankfully our clock and lycan were experienced players and with me, the viper who was involved in almost all the kills [2014-01-04 23:49:41 UTC] we efventually won because they had an even worse team than ours [2014-01-04 23:54:22 UTC] I hate DOTA because it makes SRAW talk about DOTA.