[2013-12-22 01:22:22 UTC] OK i have even MORE examples of broken matchmaking [2013-12-22 01:22:52 UTC] this time round, I went farming doombringer at long lane, and my opponents were 2 carries, sniper and some other guy i forgot [2013-12-22 01:23:11 UTC] ANYWAYS, they did try to deny, but i totally pwned them, and the thing is that i didnt even have to do shit, so i went around farming the entire map while my teammates won [2013-12-22 01:23:13 UTC] so it wuz super easy [2013-12-22 01:23:37 UTC] THEN THE NEXT GAME, i get placed with premades where our QOP is completely incompetent and never activates her bkb even though she bought one [2013-12-22 01:23:42 UTC] we ended up losing that pretty ghey shit [2013-12-22 01:24:16 UTC] THEN THE NEXT GAME, our team has a really pro SF who ends up completely carrying for us, including getting first blood before the creeps even spawn against a luna ,,, etc [2013-12-22 01:24:36 UTC] so basically the game, in order to even skill it seems, takes a wide range of skill levels [2013-12-22 01:25:20 UTC] needless to say however, it would much rather be placed with players of similar skills rather than having one shitty player who feeds and then one really good player, because this is just unbalanced and unfair [2013-12-22 01:25:31 UTC] IN OTHER WORDS, dota 2 matchmaking is broken and DR should admit it [2013-12-22 15:11:10 UTC] Well all know that you're a shitty Dota player,shut the fuck up and accept it. [2013-12-22 19:10:17 UTC] outcast do you even read my posts? [2013-12-22 19:10:42 UTC] bascially what im saying is that valve , in order to balance matches, pairs you up with extremely shitty and extremly good players [2013-12-22 19:10:50 UTC] instead of having a whole team of similar skill players [2013-12-22 19:11:08 UTC] if this was a game like CS, it would be fine because one good player can easily carry the team [2013-12-22 19:11:49 UTC] on the other hand, if a shitty player keeps on feeding their spectr33, for example, even if you had the best palyer in the world in your team, there really isnt much youo can do [2013-12-22 20:10:59 UTC] I thought that we all agree the fact that Valve's matchmaking is shitty. [2013-12-22 20:11:06 UTC] with the fact* [2013-12-22 23:19:15 UTC] K just getting that fact out of the way [2013-12-22 23:19:18 UTC] but DR didnt agree though