[2013-11-13 02:18:53 UTC] It won't help anything down there. [2013-11-13 02:19:48 UTC] My email address isn't very hard to figure out, and we probably shouldn't be discussing finances here where all sorts of ne'er-do-wells can take advantage. [2013-11-13 02:53:15 UTC] For so much as mentioning money, I have stolen all of your assets and given them to orphans with diseases. [2013-11-13 02:53:17 UTC] Suck it. [2013-11-13 03:01:18 UTC] Orphans are weird. [2013-11-13 03:02:38 UTC] Hopy shit, Jay, I just finally got the drugs I so desperately needed today. I dedicate this high to you, bro. [2013-11-13 03:03:30 UTC] I would've had them sooner but the gog danp doctor forgot to send in the request to the pharmacy and I had to go attack his butt until he did it. [2013-11-13 03:04:05 UTC] These make me so sleepy though... YAWN TIME. [2013-11-13 03:04:36 UTC] That's good. I wasn't sure how quickly that would happen, since I was giving you the money going into a weekend. [2013-11-13 03:05:02 UTC] Also, I finally actually did everything in Tactics Ogre. [2013-11-13 03:05:06 UTC] Good god that took a long time. [2013-11-13 03:05:24 UTC] I really wasn't expecting there to be a secret extra ending accessed by doing everything, but there was! [2013-11-13 03:05:38 UTC] Huh, how about that? [2013-11-13 03:05:53 UTC] It's a very *very* non-canon ending. [2013-11-13 03:06:02 UTC] But very satisfying. [2013-11-13 03:06:08 UTC] It seems like there's not enough secrets in games anymore, but then I apparently missed some stuff in Arkham City... [2013-11-13 03:06:17 UTC] Like "a shiba inu did it" non-canon? [2013-11-13 03:06:22 UTC] It's pretty much the best thing you could hope for after doing the 100 level temple of trials stuff. [2013-11-13 03:06:39 UTC] The game has sex with you? [2013-11-13 03:07:00 UTC] Well, after the game is completed there's a gameplay device added in that lets you travel to different points in the story to try doing things a different way. [2013-11-13 03:07:19 UTC] Which lets you recruit extra characters and stuff, including ones that would otherwise be guaranteed to be dead. [2013-11-13 03:07:26 UTC] But it doesn't effect the story, it's gameplay only. [2013-11-13 03:07:29 UTC] A-ha. [2013-11-13 03:07:45 UTC] When you beat the Palace of the Dead, you gain the power to use it to effect the story. [2013-11-13 03:07:52 UTC] And do some really crazy shit. [2013-11-13 03:07:56 UTC] That totally breaks the game. [2013-11-13 03:08:08 UTC] This sounds totally worth it. [2013-11-13 03:08:16 UTC] It is completely awesome. [2013-11-13 03:08:57 UTC] And all the bad guys are REALLY confused when suddenly a badass army shows up before they've actually started their evils plans and starts killing them all. [2013-11-13 03:10:05 UTC] So are you saying that there are some battles that are otherwise unwinnable that you just tear through for funsies? [2013-11-13 03:10:53 UTC] Not quite, you use the power to go back in time to before the story even is playable normally, or go to places in the story where you could not have been present because you were otherwise occupied. [2013-11-13 03:11:41 UTC] So the bad guys get really confused when you're literally in multiple places at once, and also there is Ozma, who at that point is still on the bad guy's side, and is also in your army, and Oz is all like "Why do I have two sisters?" [2013-11-13 03:11:47 UTC] It's a lot of very amusing dialogue. [2013-11-13 03:12:43 UTC] That does sound good. Perhaps that's the game I move on to next as I've more or less finished being batman.... I mean, I still have some Riddlord Challenges but I've gotten all the trophies and side quests. [2013-11-13 03:12:48 UTC] It's sort of a "they thought of everything" situation. [2013-11-13 03:13:04 UTC] I really don't know of any other game that has done that. [2013-11-13 03:13:42 UTC] And so there is a whole ending for pretty much crushing the bad guys before anything even happens. [2013-11-13 03:14:12 UTC] Which is really satisfying and not stupid given how hard it is to accomplish. [2013-11-13 03:15:23 UTC] Neat. [2013-11-13 03:15:41 UTC] The final battle in the Palace of the Dead is pretty obscenely hard, too, I couldn't actually beat it, so I had to sort of trick the AI. [2013-11-13 03:15:56 UTC] It felt pretty cheap, but I wasn't going to give up there... [2013-11-13 03:15:56 UTC] Uh howso? [2013-11-13 03:17:06 UTC] So, the battle involves a very powerful demon, and he summons exact duplicates of your army to fight you. So the odds are not at all in your favor. On top of that there is a very squishy guest wizard you have to protect, who your suped up characters can easily one shot, and so can your evil clones. [2013-11-13 03:17:37 UTC] So, the enemy AI will almost always target the weakest unit in range. [2013-11-13 03:17:56 UTC] And that wizard is near guaranteed to be the weakest unit you have. [2013-11-13 03:18:08 UTC] So under most circumstances, he dies without even getting a turn., [2013-11-13 03:18:11 UTC] And then you lose. [2013-11-13 03:18:41 UTC] So, what I did, was get a bunch of shitty level 1 characters to get duplicated instead, and had only 2 real characters with very long range and high damage bows. [2013-11-13 03:19:03 UTC] So the enemy AI gleefully massacres the level 1 people, ignoring the wizard and your real characters, [2013-11-13 03:19:16 UTC] While you just repeatedly shoot the demon leader and win. [2013-11-13 03:19:32 UTC] Yeah, that's the pretty standard duplication work around. [2013-11-13 03:20:26 UTC] If it didn't have the guest wizard it would have been a very interesting and engaging battle... [2013-11-13 03:20:28 UTC] but oh well. [2013-11-13 03:20:34 UTC] Had to just be cheap. [2013-11-13 03:22:58 UTC] Those battles are almost never about outmaneuvering though... [2013-11-13 03:23:10 UTC] They're about tricky shit like that. [2013-11-13 03:23:48 UTC] There's another demon that does the same thing at another point, but there is no guest to protect, that battle was quite fun. [2013-11-13 03:24:06 UTC] Although transitions straight into another boss battle without you getting to regroup or heal. [2013-11-13 03:24:09 UTC] MEAN GAME. [2013-11-13 03:24:54 UTC] A got like six deaths from that bullshit. [2013-11-13 03:25:13 UTC] Nobody important, luckily. [2013-11-13 03:25:19 UTC] That was part of the fun about FF TicTacs. If you saved in the wrong spot during a series of battles you weren't prepared for well then fuck you. [2013-11-13 03:27:22 UTC] At least there was no save there. [2013-11-13 03:27:36 UTC] It just went straight to a new fight in the same place. [2013-11-13 03:27:43 UTC] Without even moving your characters. [2013-11-13 03:28:03 UTC] yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay [2013-11-13 03:28:06 UTC] Because demons always gotta have a true form. [2013-11-13 03:28:23 UTC] BEHOLD MY TRUE POWER. [2013-11-13 03:28:30 UTC] Especially on True Form Tuesday [2013-11-13 03:29:00 UTC] And then be strangely unimpressive in their true form... :/ [2013-11-13 03:29:13 UTC] I'm looking at you, Altima. [2013-11-13 03:29:20 UTC] I don't know Queklain is all right. [2013-11-13 03:29:48 UTC] Well, I mean in the fights where the boss changes into another form. [2013-11-13 03:29:55 UTC] You never fought Queklain's human form. [2013-11-13 03:31:02 UTC] When Altima turned into a big spooky skeleton I thought she'd be more dangerous. [2013-11-13 03:31:07 UTC] But she died in like two attacks. [2013-11-13 03:31:19 UTC] And I wasn't even powergaming that time. [2013-11-13 03:31:24 UTC] That was the first time I played the game. [2013-11-13 03:31:53 UTC] FFT is definitely an anti-climatic game though... [2013-11-13 03:32:51 UTC] It's rare for games to have a worthy payoff though. [2013-11-13 03:34:12 UTC] It's funny because the hardest battle isn't the last one in Tactics Ogre, but that's how it should be. [2013-11-13 03:35:10 UTC] When you attack all the main bad guys before the story has started, it's pretty much a curbstomp, and it should be. You just survived 115 floors of Palace of the Dead and killed a horrifying demon, why would a few Lodissian knights be any threat to you? [2013-11-13 03:37:42 UTC] So how's the final fight without having preemptively killed everything off? [2013-11-13 03:39:02 UTC] Well, the normal final battle without involving the post endgame stuff like the Palace of the Dead is actually pretty satisfying, assuming you aren't being cheap and using nothing but archers. [2013-11-13 03:39:33 UTC] Seriously, limit yourself to 1 archer, they are too OP. Even using one feels OP sometimes. [2013-11-13 03:39:46 UTC] Yeah, you explained that before. [2013-11-13 03:40:04 UTC] As opposed to FFT where archers were just.... eh? [2013-11-13 03:40:35 UTC] The maps are very big in Tactics Ogre, and archers have like 5 times the range of anyone else. [2013-11-13 03:40:52 UTC] So your archers can easily kill like 2-3 enemies each before the fight actually starts. [2013-11-13 03:40:58 UTC] Yeah that's a quick way to ruin everything [2013-11-13 03:42:26 UTC] Other ranged weapons, guns and crossbows and spells, are either much shorter range, or fire in a straight line, making it very difficult to hit anything the vertically rambunctious terrain. [2013-11-13 03:43:49 UTC] Also, guns are so rare that you might play the entire game and never see one. [2013-11-13 03:44:31 UTC] Which is preferable to the FFT alternative where it was like "oh yeah we discovered this strange thing in a ruin and no one really knows what it is" and then late game they were ubiquitous for some reason. [2013-11-13 03:49:26 UTC] If a lot of time had passed and they had started being smithed again that would be one thing, but in FFT it didn't have any real explanation at all. [2013-11-13 03:59:07 UTC] Whenever that damned nVidia intro video plays I always assume it's a half second away from blowing out my eardrums. [2013-11-13 04:10:22 UTC] Also, it's possible sort of to disable the graphics changing message. Control Panel -> Action Center -> Change Action Center Settings -> Disable Windows Troubleshooting. [2013-11-13 04:10:32 UTC] I did it. Haven't had it ask me since. [2013-11-13 04:16:02 UTC] AND NOW I AM NO LONGER HERE [2013-11-13 18:44:31 UTC] AJ, you're completely overestimating my ability to figure out email adresses [2013-11-13 19:14:57 UTC] es [2013-11-13 19:38:49 UTC] My name is aaronjer, this website is superjer.com. Extrapolate. [2013-11-13 19:41:00 UTC] I shall extrapolate you so hard [2013-11-13 19:55:05 UTC] Huh. Old C&C games are free now! Neat! I'ma go play tiberian sun, that was my favorite, and it's free! Free games for AaronJer! [2013-11-13 19:56:27 UTC] Free is the best price for anything [2013-11-13 22:00:28 UTC] it requires origin thougha [2013-11-13 22:00:34 UTC] and plus what is the point of playing old games? [2013-11-13 22:00:45 UTC] let's be honest, anyone who claims that old games like pac man > new games are just kidding themselves [2013-11-13 22:00:54 UTC] by today's standards, that game would be considered SHIT [2013-11-13 22:04:15 UTC] Nostalgia's pretty dangerous in that way. It's not that we want the game itself so much as the way the game made us feel when it was enough to satisfy us. [2013-11-13 22:19:04 UTC] It's not just nostalgia though. [2013-11-13 22:19:28 UTC] I never played Super Metroid as a kid but I really enjoy it today [2013-11-13 22:21:25 UTC] It's probably one of my favourite games ever, without any nostalgia required [2013-11-13 23:01:54 UTC] It depends on why you're playing the game. Plenty of old games are good. Plenty of old games are not good but get a free pass for fond memories. [2013-11-13 23:03:08 UTC] You guys are the best <3