[2011-11-30 17:02:37 UTC] So this one time, on Blackout Brigade / Party Patrol, we scaled a pillar to a second-story balcony after being hailed by some hella-fly honeys. We showed them FIGHT!, and two of my friends played a rather vigorous game as means of demonstration [2011-11-30 17:03:33 UTC] Some thuggish random passers-by thought that they knew one of my aforementioned compatriots and that he was in an actual fight, not a FIGHT! [2011-11-30 17:03:57 UTC] So he and his thugbr0s kicked in the door and stormed the balcony [2011-11-30 17:04:31 UTC] After discovering that not only was it a game and not actual combat, but that they didn't actually know anybody on the balcony, they tried to just stay and kick it [2011-11-30 17:04:56 UTC] Dude, you just kicked in these girls' front door, gtfo. Surprisingly, they left without incident!