[2011-09-17 01:53:32 UTC] こんにちわsprinkles-san. おげんきですか? [2011-09-17 02:15:29 UTC] :srslyguise: [2011-09-17 06:24:15 UTC] ??????? [2011-09-17 06:25:10 UTC] Is everyone enjoying gripper's poker's chat? [2011-09-17 06:25:16 UTC] Because it's naughty as all fuck. [2011-09-17 06:42:01 UTC] Μπορώ? [2011-09-17 06:42:10 UTC] Jee i can type Gree :D [2011-09-17 06:42:16 UTC] Greek* [2011-09-17 07:12:28 UTC] I AM ENJOYING THE HECK OUT OF IT [2011-09-17 07:12:30 UTC] sup sj [2011-09-17 22:04:22 UTC] Hey supes, have you messed with UEFI at all yet?