[2010-10-10 14:33:33 UTC] We've just nailed some socks belonging to our flatmate to a piece of wood. That'll teach him for leaving them in the living room! [2010-10-10 22:21:01 UTC] Wow. Isn't that a little extreme? I mean, now he has to take the socks back off the wood before he can wear them. Good god, man, it's not like he murdered someone. [2010-10-10 22:22:24 UTC] It's a learning experience. We first tried putting them in a coke bottle then freezing said bottle but he didn't change his ways. Not sure what we'll do next... [2010-10-10 22:22:45 UTC] And it's ok, he's completely wasted and has already chundered this evening. [2010-10-10 22:24:12 UTC] Chundered isn't a word anyone on this side of the pond could ever possibly understand. Please rephrase. [2010-10-10 22:26:30 UTC] I'm thinking of rewatching Berserk, but I'm not sure if I can handle the ruinously abrupt AND THEN EVERYONE SUDDENLY DIES ending again. [2010-10-10 23:43:56 UTC] Then don't watch it that far? [2010-10-10 23:46:33 UTC] Also, chunder just means throwing up. Think of it as a portmanteau of chunk and thunder until I come up with a better one. [2010-10-10 23:50:34 UTC] That's obviously not what it means, seeing as you're on this side of the pond. [2010-10-10 23:51:16 UTC] More important than Berserk is my need to sleep... but I can't... because I CAN'T EVER STOP POOPING. [2010-10-10 23:54:00 UTC] I looked it up in the Oxford English Dictionary though, so technically I went over to the other side of the pond, looked it up, and then came back, all thanks to the internet. [2010-10-10 23:54:33 UTC] Also I think after a certain point you'd be pooped out unless your butt is having dry heaves or something. [2010-10-10 23:58:36 UTC] (gasp) Subadar forum!