[2009-10-06 04:35:04 UTC] ugh [2009-10-06 04:35:13 UTC] the need to spam is over welming [2009-10-06 18:29:53 UTC] Roll right, tock hard. [2009-10-06 18:58:20 UTC] Hock tard, etc. [2009-10-06 22:30:21 UTC] aaaarronnnjerrrr [2009-10-06 22:37:34 UTC] sooooperjer [2009-10-06 22:37:41 UTC] jeeeerb [2009-10-06 22:41:42 UTC] I haz a lvl 16 bard nao. R u prowd? [2009-10-06 22:58:02 UTC] yah! [2009-10-06 23:03:00 UTC] DR should play with us now that it's free! [2009-10-06 23:31:05 UTC] Play what? [2009-10-06 23:31:08 UTC] I play free. [2009-10-06 23:31:47 UTC] Dungeons and Dragons Online! [2009-10-06 23:33:07 UTC] Oh aye [2009-10-06 23:33:26 UTC] I probably could... [2009-10-06 23:33:54 UTC] Perhaps you would like ventrilo information? Or is the not in your capablilty? [2009-10-06 23:33:59 UTC] that* [2009-10-06 23:34:35 UTC] Uh it would be [2009-10-06 23:34:38 UTC] Not tonight though [2009-10-06 23:34:56 UTC] Somewhat unfortunately I am very hungry but need to go to bed, [2009-10-06 23:35:10 UTC] An odd conflagration of events [2009-10-06 23:37:20 UTC] ah well not neccesarily tonight, however I shall send you a facebook message of the vent info's for funsies [2009-10-06 23:37:36 UTC] Oh awesome! [2009-10-06 23:37:43 UTC] I'm probably available some weekends [2009-10-06 23:37:56 UTC] See I'm back at uni now so my time has become limitified. [2009-10-06 23:38:25 UTC] understoodable [2009-10-06 23:38:49 UTC] Anyway I must be off now. Such is life :( [2009-10-06 23:38:56 UTC] but you shall have said message tomorrow i daresay, right now I'm at work :) [2009-10-06 23:38:58 UTC] <3 [2009-10-06 23:39:05 UTC] I wish I were not hungry, or had the food to do something about it [2009-10-06 23:39:21 UTC] Yeah cheers, I'll speak to you later ;)