[2009-03-22 07:38:10 UTC] Doesn't that make you a manatee? [2009-03-22 10:05:37 UTC] Quite possibly, but it might also be the gentic experimentation. [2009-03-22 10:19:28 UTC] Oh my god! One of my EVE alts came to life and is an English woman! WTF does THAT mean? [2009-03-22 14:16:28 UTC] CCP are gods? [2009-03-22 14:29:13 UTC] CCCP are gods? [2009-03-22 19:24:53 UTC] uhmzor [2009-03-22 19:25:29 UTC] zomgzor noonezor iszor onlinezor wtfzor answerzor myzor postzor inzor myzor problemzor inzor mappingzor ZORZOR! [2009-03-22 19:33:22 UTC] Yeah, no. Don't talk like that here. [2009-03-22 20:19:48 UTC] Yeahzor don'tzor talkzor likezor thatzor herezor. Zor. [2009-03-22 22:18:22 UTC] Zor? I'm gonna kill him and steal his implants!