[2008-11-06 02:07:07 UTC] HOLY SHIT IM BACKZORZ...LAWL [2008-11-06 03:44:47 UTC] ? [2008-11-06 06:41:18 UTC] Morning. [2008-11-06 11:36:29 UTC] Hey mate [2008-11-06 11:47:15 UTC] You're still here+ [2008-11-06 12:00:56 UTC] Dropping in and out. [2008-11-06 12:12:47 UTC] Sounds ncie [2008-11-06 12:12:49 UTC] nice* [2008-11-06 12:12:52 UTC] When will Edan be back? [2008-11-06 13:02:05 UTC] BooYaKaSha!!! [2008-11-06 14:48:58 UTC] Hey Edan [2008-11-06 14:49:13 UTC] Hey [2008-11-06 14:49:20 UTC] I hate all the tuts about making elevator, they are not working! Shall i mark the whole box that is going to go up/down? [2008-11-06 14:50:58 UTC] Make it a func_train [2008-11-06 14:51:20 UTC] ...Hold on [2008-11-06 14:51:33 UTC] The whole box? I got two links up, about to check them [2008-11-06 14:51:41 UTC] http://forum.interlopers.net/viewtopic.php?t=2393 [2008-11-06 14:55:20 UTC] http://www.superjer.com/forum/elevator_yes_again.php [2008-11-06 15:02:05 UTC] Thanks.. [2008-11-06 15:10:14 UTC] Good luck, we're all counting on you. [2008-11-06 16:00:10 UTC] [size=40][color=orange]Vagina!! [2008-11-06 18:11:57 UTC] [color=9955ee][size=40][b]WEIRD COLOR [2008-11-06 18:13:13 UTC] [size=40][b][color=8844dd]WEIRDER COLOR [2008-11-06 18:14:50 UTC] Yep [2008-11-06 19:17:01 UTC] [img]http://i302.photobucket.com/albums/nn104/edancoll/AJ1.jpg[/img] [2008-11-06 19:24:48 UTC] It would be nice is SJ implemented something like that. [2008-11-06 19:27:52 UTC] Aw, Edan, you buggeredoff... [2008-11-06 19:50:27 UTC] Aha! It was you all along! [2008-11-06 23:12:03 UTC] It was, and don't you forget it.