[2008-07-13 04:29:11 UTC] DAMN YOU MELLOW YOU SUCK [2008-07-13 04:29:13 UTC] DAMN YOU MELLOW YOU SUCK [2008-07-13 04:29:13 UTC] DAMN YOU MELLOW YOU SUCK [2008-07-13 04:29:14 UTC] DAMN YOU MELLOW YOU SUCK [2008-07-13 04:29:14 UTC] DAMN YOU MELLOW YOU SUCK [2008-07-13 04:29:14 UTC] DAMN YOU MELLOW YOU SUCK [2008-07-13 04:29:15 UTC] DAMN YOU MELLOW YOU SUCK [2008-07-13 04:29:15 UTC] DAMN YOU MELLOW YOU SUCK [2008-07-13 04:29:15 UTC] DAMN YOU MELLOW YOU SUCK [2008-07-13 04:29:15 UTC] DAMN YOU MELLOW YOU SUCK [2008-07-13 04:29:16 UTC] DAMN YOU MELLOW YOU SUCK [2008-07-13 04:29:16 UTC] DAMN YOU MELLOW YOU SUCK [2008-07-13 04:29:16 UTC] DAMN YOU MELLOW YOU SUCK [2008-07-13 04:29:17 UTC] DAMN YOU MELLOW YOU SUCK [2008-07-13 04:29:17 UTC] DAMN YOU MELLOW YOU SUCK [2008-07-13 04:29:17 UTC] DAMN YOU MELLOW YOU SUCK [2008-07-13 04:29:17 UTC] DAMN YOU MELLOW YOU SUCK [2008-07-13 04:29:17 UTC] DAMN YOU MELLOW YOU SUCK [2008-07-13 04:29:18 UTC] DAMN YOU MELLOW YOU SUCK [2008-07-13 04:29:18 UTC] DAMN YOU MELLOW YOU SUCK [2008-07-13 04:29:18 UTC] DAMN YOU MELLOW YOU SUCK [2008-07-13 04:29:19 UTC] DAMN YOU MELLOW YOU SUCK [2008-07-13 04:39:18 UTC] Hi all Im Havokk [2008-07-13 05:17:28 UTC] gay [2008-07-13 07:35:43 UTC] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ [2008-07-13 07:36:09 UTC] MelloYellow made me do this@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ [2008-07-13 07:36:45 UTC] by changing the psswrds of my accs@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ [2008-07-13 11:52:51 UTC] FakestJer? I'm pro IP banning... :disappointed: [2008-07-13 11:53:39 UTC] And yes, I know there is no such emoticon... [2008-07-13 12:33:34 UTC] FakestJer? I'm pro IP banning... [2008-07-13 12:46:54 UTC] test [2008-07-13 12:48:31 UTC] Yup its white [2008-07-13 12:48:51 UTC] WHITE [2008-07-13 19:07:23 UTC] ey mello [2008-07-13 19:18:23 UTC] ey jig [2008-07-13 19:18:41 UTC] ello [2008-07-13 19:18:52 UTC] whats up?? [2008-07-13 19:19:02 UTC] eatin [2008-07-13 19:19:14 UTC] kool [2008-07-13 19:19:43 UTC] boo] [2008-07-13 19:19:48 UTC] im just on the computer [2008-07-13 19:19:59 UTC] thats about it [2008-07-13 19:20:19 UTC] HAVOKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUDDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [2008-07-13 19:23:22 UTC] suup [2008-07-13 19:23:36 UTC] man i missed you [2008-07-13 19:24:23 UTC] Not too much i hope [2008-07-13 19:25:40 UTC] nah [2008-07-13 19:25:51 UTC] but u no u missed me too [2008-07-13 19:25:58 UTC] im lik ur other half [2008-07-13 19:26:18 UTC] lik fuckin simes twins [2008-07-13 19:26:45 UTC] that would be fucking awesome [2008-07-13 19:27:54 UTC] yea but mabye just brothers idk i could go looking diferent and having seperate bodies [2008-07-13 19:28:48 UTC] lol [2008-07-13 19:30:21 UTC] lmao [2008-07-13 19:43:52 UTC] hey guys