[2008-02-24 10:54:28 UTC] Gleißen chat ..... ummm wtf ? [2008-02-24 11:26:35 UTC] Sounds german. :hay_guys: [2008-02-24 16:46:05 UTC] i posted a replay if your there [2008-02-24 18:16:52 UTC] armen you there [2008-02-24 18:18:18 UTC] armen you there [2008-02-24 19:24:10 UTC] [size=10] [2008-02-24 19:26:33 UTC] [size=10]EdAn said: [2008-02-24 19:26:52 UTC] [size=10]EdAn said: EdAn said: [2008-02-24 19:27:23 UTC] [size=10]EdAn said: EdAn said: EdAn said: [2008-02-24 19:28:13 UTC] WTF does Gleisen chat mean?? [2008-02-24 19:30:15 UTC] its just proble the peaple who made the chat box or the program that lets you make boxes for web sites [2008-02-24 19:38:07 UTC] Isnt it called Gleiben not Gliesen [2008-02-24 20:08:52 UTC] ß is sharp S in german [2008-02-24 20:09:17 UTC] can't write in... that 'B' [2008-02-24 20:30:50 UTC] o ok [2008-02-24 20:44:18 UTC] Gleißen [2008-02-24 20:44:44 UTC] copy and paste [2008-02-24 20:51:10 UTC] Gleißen