Specifically built for professional Counter-Strike gameplay (5vs5)
Built by a "team" of people
Already gameplay tested
Help from midway, alchemist, and other staff members
A near perfectly balanced map
Features inspired primarily by de_inferno
de_contra is a spectacular map that doesn't get the attention it deserves. Most of the "community" looks down upon it simply because they don't like the aztec2-ish textures. Half of the people who dislike it say it's too big while the other half says it's too small. There's no winning with people in the Counter-Strike community. So I say screw 'em! If you're looking for a top-notch, balanced, fun, and innovative competitive CS 1.6 map, this is the one you want.
To be fair to the naysayers, the map isn't perfect. The textures *could* be better (though they aren't that bad!) and the bombsite A side of the map has a couple too many passage ways that go to the same place. Also, the back passageway in the B bombsite is questionable in its necessity.
All those complaints, though, are inconsequential when it comes down to it. I feel this map is one of the top competitive maps in the game and can compete with the best of 'em. And yes I probably like the map more than most people because I helped make it! That doesn't change how great the map is.
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